Textbook in Korean: 교과서’s meaning and pronunciation

Textbook in Korean, 교과서 meaningTextbook in Korean is 교과서. For examples, you can use like [고등학교 교과서, 국정 교과서]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 교과서 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
교과서 noun 敎科書敎科書 교ː과서/교ː꽈서

교과서 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
textbook A book made to teach a certain subject in school.


고등학교 교과서.
high school textbook.
국정 교과서.
National textbook.
선생님은 한 학생에게 영어 교과서를 큰 소리로 읽게 하셨다.
The teacher had a student read an English textbook aloud.
수업 시간이 되자 학생들은 교과서와 참고서를 책상 위에 꺼내 놓았다.
When it was time for class, the students took out their textbooks and reference books on their desks.


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