That in Korean: 그것’s meaning and pronunciation

That in Korean, 그것 meaningThat in Korean is 그것. For examples, you can use like [그것은 반칙이다, 그것이 전에 말했전 책이야?]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 그것 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
그것 pronoun 그걷

그것 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
that A pronoun used to indicate something close to the listener, or something the listener has in mind.


그것은 반칙이다.
That is a foul.
그것이 전에 말했전 책이야?.
Is that the book you talked about before?.
여자는 친구가 들고 있던 가방을 보며 어디에서 그것을 샀느냐고 물어보았다.
The woman looked at her bag that her friend was holding and asked where she bought it.
선생님은 민준이 옆에 있는 라디오를 가리키며 그것은 우리 반 물건이 아닌 것 같다고 말씀하셨다.
The teacher pointed to the radio next to Min-jun and said it didn’t seem like something from our class.


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