The Day Before Yesterday in Korean: 그저께’s meaning and pronunciation

The Day Before Yesterday in Korean, 그저께 meaningThe Day Before Yesterday in Korean is 그저께. For examples, you can use like [그저께 밤, 그저께 오후]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 그저께 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
그저께 noun 그저께

그저께 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
the day before yesterday The day before yesterday; that is, two days before today.


그저께 밤.
the night before yesterday.
그저께 오후.
yesterday afternoon.
어저께는 아빠 생신이었고 그저께는 엄마 생신이었다.
It was his father’s birthday yesterday and his mother’s birthday the day before yesterday.
월드컵은 그저께 밤에 끝났지만 아직까지도 그 열기는 남아 있다.
The World Cup ended last night, but the excitement is still there.


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