the weak in Korean: 약자’s meaning and pronunciation

the weak in Korean, 약자 meaningthe weak in Korean is 약자. For examples, you can use like [사회적 약자
약자의 편
약자에게 강하다
약자를 보호하다
약자를 괴롭히다
약자를 지배하다
약자를 착취하다, 민준이는 반에서 자기보다 몸집이 작은 약자만 괴롭힌다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 약자 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
약자 noun 弱者弱者 약짜

약자 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
the weak; the disadvantaged A person who is weak or powerless.


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