Theater in Korean: 극장’s meaning and pronunciation

Theater in Korean, 극장 meaningTheater in Korean is 극장. For examples, you can use like [국립 극장, 심야 극장]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 극장 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
극장 noun 劇場劇場 극짱

극장 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
theater; cinema A place equipped with a stage or screen, for performing plays, music, dance, etc., or showing movies.


국립 극장.
National Theater.
심야 극장.
late night theater.
극장 안 로비에는 매표소와 카페, 매점 등 다양한 편의 시설이 있어 항상 사람들로 북적인다.
The lobby inside the theater is always crowded with people as there are various convenience facilities such as a ticket office, cafe, and concession stand.
이 극장은 백여 명의 관객을 수용할 수 있는 작은 극장이지만 항상 좋은 연극을 무대에 올려 왔다.

Although this is a small theater that can accommodate a hundred or so spectators, it has always put on good performances.


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