Thick in Korean: 굵다’s meaning and pronunciation

Thick in Korean, 굵다 meaningThick in Korean is 굵다. For examples, you can use like [굵은 철사, 굵은 팔뚝]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 굵다 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
굵다 adjective 국ː따

굵다 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
thick An object being long in circumference or wide in width.


굵은 철사.
thick wire.
굵은 팔뚝.
thick forearms.
농사일로 다져진 아버지의 손은 마디가 굵고 거칠었다.
My father’s hands, which had been tamed by farming, were thick and rough.
오랫동안 사람의 발길이 끊겼던 이 숲의 소나무들은 줄기가 굵고 키가 컸다.
The pine trees in this forest, which had been cut off from people for a long time, had thick trunks and were tall.

How to Conjugate 굵다

① Formal High (합니다체)

Present    굵습니다
Past    굵었습니다
Past Perfect    굵었었습니다
Future    굵을 것입니다
Condition    굵겠습니다

② Informal High (해요체)

Present    굵어요
Past    굵었어요
Past Perfect    굵었었어요
Future    굵을 것이에요
Condition    굵겠어요

③ Informal Low (해체)

Present    굵어
Past    굵었어
Past Perfect    굵었었어
Future    굵을 것이야
Condition    굵겠어

④ Formal Low (한다체)

Present    굵는다
Past    굵었다
Past Perfect    굵었었다
Future    굵을 것이다
Condition    굵겠다


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