Tobacco in Korean: 담배’s meaning and pronunciation

Tobacco in Korean, 담배 meaningTobacco in Korean is 담배. For examples, you can use like [담배 농사, 담배 재배]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 담배 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
담배 noun 담ː배

담배 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
tobacco A plant whose leaves are dried and processed for making a cigar.


담배 농사.
tobacco farming.
담배 재배.
Tobacco cultivation.
여름이 되면 농부들은 담배의 잎을 따서 말리기 시작한다.
In summer, farmers begin to pick tobacco leaves and dry them.
담배가 국민들의 기호품이 되면서 담배 농사는 큰 이익을 내게 되었다.
Tobacco farming became a popular commodity, and tobacco farming made great profits.


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