Tourism in Korean: 관광’s meaning and pronunciation

Tourism in Korean, 관광 meaningTourism in Korean is 관광. For examples, you can use like [국내 관광, 관광하러 가다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 관광 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
관광 noun 觀光觀光 관광

관광 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
tourism The act of going to a place to see or observe its scenery, environment, customs, etc.


국내 관광.
domestic tourism.
관광하러 가다.
go sightseeing
관광을 위해 서울을 찾는 외국인이 점차 증가하고 있다.
The number of foreigners visiting Seoul for tourism is increasing.
부모님께서 제주도로 관광을 떠나셔서 집에 며칠간 혼자 있게 되었다.
My parents went on a trip to Jeju Island, so I was alone at home for a few days.


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