Traffic Accident in Korean: 교통사고’s meaning and pronunciation

Traffic Accident in Korean, 교통사고 meaningTraffic Accident in Korean is 교통사고. For examples, you can use like [교통사고가 발생하다, 교통사고가 일어나다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 교통사고 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
교통사고 noun 交通事故交通事故 교통사고

교통사고 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
traffic accident; car crash An accident between a car or train crashing into another vehicle or with a pedestrian.


교통사고가 발생하다.
A traffic accident occurs.
교통사고가 일어나다.
car accident happens
졸음으로 인한 교통사고의 발생률이 높아지고 있다.
The incidence of traffic accidents due to drowsiness is increasing.
승규는 횡단보도를 건너다 교통사고를 당해 다리가 마비되었다.
Seung-gyu got into a car accident while crossing a crosswalk and his leg was paralyzed.


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