Train in Korean: 기차’s meaning and pronunciation

Train in Korean, 기차 meaningTrain in Korean is 기차. For examples, you can use like [새벽 기차, 기차 여행]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 기차 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
기차 noun 汽車汽車 기차

기차 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
train A lengthy series of vehicles that carry people or goods and run on a railroad, usually by the power of diesel fuel or electric power.


새벽 기차.
morning train.
기차 여행.
train travel.
폭설로 인해 서울행 기차가 연착되었다는 안내 방송이 나왔다.
An announcement was made that the train to Seoul was delayed due to heavy snow.
민준이는 기차 출발 시간이 얼마 안 남아서 플랫폼으로 뛰기 시작했다.
Min-jun started running on the platform shortly after the train departure time.


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