Train Station in Korean: 기차역’s meaning and pronunciation

Train Station in Korean, 기차역 meaningTrain Station in Korean is 기차역. For examples, you can use like [기차역을 지나가다, 기차역을 출발하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 기차역 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
기차역 noun 汽車驛汽車驛 기차역

기차역 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
train station A place to get on or off a train.


기차역을 지나가다.
pass the train station
기차역을 출발하다.
leaving the train station
명절이 되면 기차역은 고향에 가려는 사람들로 북적인다.
During the holidays, the train station is crowded with people who want to go home.
우리가 탄 기차는 몇 시간을 달려 시골의 한 기차역에 멈추었다.
Our train drove for several hours and stopped at a train station in the countryside.


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