Train Ticket in Korean: 기차표’s meaning and pronunciation

Train Ticket in Korean, 기차표 meaningTrain Ticket in Korean is 기차표. For examples, you can use like [기차표 판매, 기차표 예매]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 기차표 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
기차표 noun 汽車票汽車票 기차표

기차표 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
train ticket A ticket bought to ride a train.


기차표 판매.
train ticket sales.
기차표 예매.
train ticket booking.
고향에 가는 기차표가 다 팔려 버스를 타고 갈 수밖에 없었다.
All the train tickets to my hometown were sold out, so I had no choice but to take the bus.
역에 도착한 지수는 기차표를 사자마자 바로 기차에 올라탔다.
As soon as Jisoo arrived at the station and bought his train ticket, she immediately got on the train.


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