Transportation in Korean: 교통’s meaning and pronunciation

Transportation in Korean, 교통 meaningTransportation in Korean is 교통. For examples, you can use like [도로 교통, 철도 교통]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 교통 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
교통 noun 交通交通 교통

교통 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
transportation; traffic The act of carrying passengers or cargo by using vehicles such as cars, trains, ships, airplanes, etc.


도로 교통.
road traffic.
철도 교통.
rail traffic.
그 도시는 유명한 관광 도시이지만 길이 좁고 차가 많아서 교통이 불편하다.
The city is a famous tourist city, but traffic is inconvenient due to the narrow roads and the large number of cars.
우리 시는 교통 문제를 해결하기 위해 대중교통 이용 캠페인을 시작했다.
Our city launched a public transportation campaign to solve the transportation problem.


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