Tteokbokki in Korean: 떡볶이’s meaning and pronunciation

Tteokbokki in Korean, 떡볶이 meaningTteokbokki in Korean is 떡볶이. For examples, you can use like [떡볶이 장사, 떡볶이 일 인분]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 떡볶이 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
떡볶이 noun 떡뽀끼

떡볶이 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
tteokbokki Boiled rice cake with seasoning, made by boiling garaetteok, a white cylinder-shaped rice cake, in round stick form, vegetables, seasonings such as soybean sauce, pepper paste, etc.


떡볶이 장사.
Tteokbokki business.
떡볶이 일 인분.
One serving of tteokbokki.


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