Volume in Korean: 권’s meaning and pronunciation

Volume in Korean, 권 meaningVolume in Korean is 권. For examples, you can use like [공책 한 권, 교과서 두 권]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 권 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
dependent noun 卷卷

권 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
volume; book A bound noun that serves as a unit for counting the number of books or notebooks.


공책 한 권.
one notebook.
교과서 두 권.
Two textbooks.
연구실 책장에는 책이 여러 권 꽂혀 있다.
Several books are stacked on the bookshelf of the laboratory.
아이의 가방에는 공책 세 권과 필통이 들어 있었다.
The boy’s bag contained three notebooks and a pencil case.


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