What in Korean: 무슨’s meaning and pronunciation

What in Korean, 무슨 meaningWhat in Korean is 무슨. For examples, you can use like [이것은 무슨 맛인가요?, 너는 무슨 음악을 주로 듣니?]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 무슨 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
무슨 adjective 무슨

무슨 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
what An expression used to ask about a business, subject or object that one is not sure of or does not exactly know.


이것은 무슨 맛인가요?.
What does this taste like?
너는 무슨 음악을 주로 듣니?.
What kind of music do you mainly listen to?


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