Who in Korean: 누구’s meaning and pronunciation

Who in Korean, 누구 meaningWho in Korean is 누구. For examples, you can use like [누구세요?, 누구시길래, 집앞에서 서성거리는 건가요?]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 누구 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
누구 pronoun 누구

누구 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
who A pronoun used to indicate a person that one does not know.


Who are you to hang around my house?
누구시길래, 집앞에서 서성거리는 건가요?.
Who are you, walking around in front of the house?
민준은 자기 집에 들어온 낯선 사람에게 누구냐고 물었다.
Min-jun asked the stranger who came into his house who it was.
선생님은 학생들에게 이 잃어버린 연필은 누구의 것이냐고 말했다.
The teacher told the students who these lost pencils belonged to, she said.


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