Worry in Korean: 걱정’s meaning and pronunciation

Worry in Korean, 걱정 meaningWorry in Korean is 걱정. For examples, you can use like [건강 걱정, 돈 걱정]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 걱정 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
걱정 noun 걱쩡

걱정 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
worry; concern; care The state of feeling afraid and uneasy, in fear of the possible occurrence of something bad.


건강 걱정.
health concerns.
돈 걱정.
worry about money.
나는 좋은 직장에 취직해서 돈에 대한 걱정에서 벗어났다.
I got a good job so I don’t have to worry about money.
그는 운전에 미숙해서 차를 몰 때마다 혹시 사고라도 낼까 봐 걱정을 한다.
He is inexperienced in driving, so whenever he drives, he worries that he might have an accident.


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