Worry in Korean: 고민’s meaning and pronunciation

Worry in Korean, 고민 meaningWorry in Korean is 고민. For examples, you can use like [진로 고민, 심각한 고민]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 고민 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
고민 noun 苦悶苦悶 고민

고민 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
worry; anguish A state of being agonized and bothered due to a worry on your mind.


진로 고민.
career worries.
심각한 고민.
serious concern.
졸업을 앞둔 대학생들의 가장 큰 고민은 취업 문제이다.
One of the biggest concerns of college students who are about to graduate is the problem of finding a job.
지수는 선생님께 대학에 들어가서 어느 공부를 해야 좋을까 하는 고민을 털어놓았다.
Jisoo confided to her teacher about what kind of study she should study after entering college.


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