Writing in Korean: 글’s meaning and pronunciation

Writing in Korean, 글 meaningWriting in Korean is 글. For examples, you can use like [긴 글, 논리적인 글]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 글 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound

글 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
writing; text A state of expressing one’s thoughts or affairs in words.


긴 글.
long article.
논리적인 글.
logical writing.
김 교수는 학술지에 국가 외교 정책에 찬성하는 글을 실었다.
Professor Kim published an article in favor of national foreign policy in an academic journal.
나는 환경 오염에 대한 글을 읽고 환경 문제의 심각성을 알게 되었다.
I read articles about environmental pollution and came to know the seriousness of environmental problems.


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