Yellow in Korean: 노란색’s meaning and pronunciation

Yellow in Korean, 노란색 meaningYellow in Korean is 노란색. For examples, you can use like [밝은 노란색, 짙은 노란색]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 노란색 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
노란색 noun 노란 色노란 色 노란색

노란색 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
yellow The color of a chick or banana.


밝은 노란색.
bright yellow.
짙은 노란색.
dark yellow.
맛있는 바나나는 껍질이 선명한 노란색이다.
A delicious banana has a bright yellow peel.
나는 여러 가지 색깔의 셔츠 중 노란색을 골랐다.
I picked the yellow one out of the many colored shirts.


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