You in Korean: 너’s meaning and pronunciation

You in Korean, 너 meaningYou in Korean is 너. For examples, you can use like [바로 너, 너와 나]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 너 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound

너 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
you A pronoun used to indicate the listener when he/she is the same age or younger.


바로 너.
it’s you
너와 나.
You and me.
그가 내게 준 편지에는 “너를 사랑해”라고 적혀 있었다.
The letter he gave me said “I love you”.
엄마는 나에게 “너는 엄마랑 아빠랑 누가 더 좋아?”라고 물으셨다.
Mom asked me, who do you like better with her mom and dad?


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