Yunnori in Korean: 윷놀이’s meaning and pronunciation

Yunnori in Korean, 윷놀이 meaningYunnori in Korean is 윷놀이. For examples, you can use like [재미있는 윷놀이, 윷놀이를 가르치다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 윷놀이 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
윷놀이 noun 윤ː노리

윷놀이 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
yunnori playing yut; game of yut: A game in which players compete with pieces to reach the finish line first, as they throw a set of four yut sticks and move the pieces.


재미있는 윷놀이.
A fun yut game.
윷놀이를 가르치다.
Teach me how to play yut.


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