Zoo in Korean: 동물원’s meaning and pronunciation

Zoo in Korean, 동물원 meaningZoo in Korean is 동물원. For examples, you can use like [동물원 구경, 동물원 나들이]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 동물원 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
동물원 noun 動物園動物園 동ː무뤈

동물원 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
zoo A place that cages and raises all kinds of animals and allows people to look at them.


동물원 구경.
visit the zoo.
동물원 나들이.
zoo excursion.
어린이들은 동물원에 있는 커다란 동물들을 좋아한다.
Children love the big animals in the zoo.
동물원에는 원숭이, 코끼리, 사자 등 평소에는 볼 수 없는 동물들이 있다.
In the zoo, there are animals that you would not normally see, such as monkeys, elephants, and lions.


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