Embassy in Korean: 대사관’s meaning and pronunciation

Embassy in Korean, 대사관 meaningEmbassy in Korean is 대사관. For examples, you can use like [미국 대사관, 현지 대사관]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 대사관 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
대사관 noun 大使館大使館 대ː사관

대사관 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
embassy The institution representing a country in a foreign land, with an ambassador as its head and who is responsible for diplomatic affairs.


미국 대사관.
US Embassy.
현지 대사관.
local embassy.
한국 정부는 상대 국가에게 대사관을 통해 의견을 전달하였다.
The Korean government communicated its opinions to the other country through the embassy.
지수는 중국 여행을 가려고 중국 대사관으로 비자를 신청하러 갔다.
Jisoo went to the Chinese embassy to apply for a visa to travel to China.


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