Library in Korean: 도서관’s meaning and pronunciation

Library in Korean, 도서관 meaningLibrary in Korean is 도서관. For examples, you can use like [공공 도서관, 과학 도서관]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 도서관 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
도서관 noun 圖書館圖書館 도서관

도서관 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
library A facility with lots of books and materials for people to borrow and read or study.


공공 도서관.
public library.
과학 도서관.
science library.
우리 대학 도서관에는 다양한 종류의 책들이 매우 많다.
There are many different kinds of books in our university library.
나는 도서관에서 빌린 책을 잃어버려서 책값을 물어 주었다.
I lost the book I borrowed from the library, so I asked for the price of the book.


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