Indebtedness in Korean: 덕분’s meaning and pronunciation

Indebtedness in Korean, 덕분 meaningIndebtedness in Korean is 덕분. For examples, you can use like [가르침 덕분, 도움 덕분]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 덕분 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
덕분 noun 德分德分 덕뿐

덕분 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
indebtedness The favor or help provided by someone, or gains from an incident.


가르침 덕분.
thanks for teaching.
도움 덕분.
Thanks for your help.
우리 아이들이 밝고 건강하게 자라난 것은 지혜로운 아내 덕분이다.
It is thanks to a wise wife that our children grew up bright and healthy.
승규는 어려서부터 가정 교육을 잘 받은 덕분에 어디를 가든지 예의바르다는 소리를 듣는다.
Seung-gyu has been well educated at home from an early age, so wherever he goes, he hears that he is polite.


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