One’s Family in Korean: 댁’s meaning and pronunciation

One's Family in Korean, 댁 meaningOne’s Family in Korean is 댁. For examples, you can use like [선생님 댁, 시장님 댁]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 댁 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
noun 宅宅

댁 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
one’s family (polite form) Another person’s home or family.


선생님 댁.
teacher’s house.
시장님 댁.
Mayor’s house.
우리는 명절을 맞이하여 선생님 댁을 방문했다.
We visited the teacher’s house for the holidays.
나는 이번 추석에 할아버지 할머니 댁에 찾아갔다.
I visited her grandfather and grandmother’s house this Chuseok.


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