Take Someone Away in Korean: 데려가다’s meaning and pronunciation

Take Someone Away in Korean, 데려가다 meaningTake Someone Away in Korean is 데려가다. For examples, you can use like [부모가 아이를 데려가다, 선생님이 학생을 데려가다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 데려가다 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
데려가다 verb 데려가다

데려가다 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
take someone away; take someone with one To make someone follow one, and thus go with him/her.


부모가 아이를 데려가다.
parents take the child
선생님이 학생을 데려가다.
The teacher takes the student.
유민이는 아이를 맡길 곳이 없어 아이를 동창 모임에 데려갔다.
Yu-Min did not have a place to leave her child, so she took her child to her reunion.
교실 밖에서 기다리고 있던 학부모들이 수업이 끝나자 아이들을 데려갔다.
Parents, who were waiting outside the classroom, picked up the children when class was over.

How to Conjugate 데려가다

① Formal High (합니다체)

Present    데려갑니다
Past    데려갔습니다
Past Perfect    데려갔었습니다
Future    데려갈 것입니다
Condition    데려가겠습니다

② Informal High (해요체)

Present    데려가요
Past    데려갔어요
Past Perfect    데려갔었어요
Future    데려갈 것이에요
Condition    데려가겠어요

③ Informal Low (해체)

Present    데려가
Past    데려갔어
Past Perfect    데려갔었어
Future    데려갈 것이야
Condition    데려가겠어

④ Formal Low (한다체)

Present    데려간다
Past    데려갔다
Past Perfect    데려갔었다
Future    데려갈 것이다
Condition    데려가겠다


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